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Release the relationship anxiety for good, babe.

You're not selfish for wanting more

Wanting more out of a relationship doesn't mean you are ungrateful for what you currently have or previously experienced; it's often just a sign of your personal growth and desire for deeper emotional connection. Which you ARE worthy and deserving of! As you evolve & become more of your authentic self, it is normal for your goals & needs to change.

Sad on Couch

Nearly 50% of people enter adulthood with an insecure attachment style and are unaware of it.

If you often find yourself grappling with feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and anxiety in your relationships; you may have an insecure attachment style.


I know how hard it can feel to trust you own judgement, often people pleasing to keep the peace, and struggling to believe you're worthy of the meaningful relationship you crave. An insecure attachment style can create a distorted lens of love & relationships, leading you to be in relationships where you don't feel seen or heard most of the time. 


Through self discovery, effort, and support (hi!), you can learn to feel more confident in your relationships & experience the deep trust, intimacy, and emotional connection you long for. I promise you, it is possible to break free from the patterns of insecurity and create the relationship of your dreams.

Image by Rue S

Work With Me

Take your power back & let go of relationship anxiety for good! My 1:1 coaching program focuses on building healthy patterns in relationships.. CIL is for deeply empathetic & loving women who are committed to taking courageous action in order to break free from the toxic patterns holding them back.



This 90 minute virtual session is for you if you have a specific problem you would like to solve and want to hit the ground running. Whether that is a recurring fight with your partner or struggling with dating apps - this offer will set you up with the tangible actions to move forward in your love life, ASAP!

This program not only healed my relationship with myself, but healed my relationship with my partner and others too. I learned to sit with my shadow parts, really get to know them, own what was mine to change, and communicate clearly what I need from others. I feel like, and am, an entirely different person than I was when I first started working with Dara!

✦ J.W.

I'm so happy you're here!

I'm Dara (dare-uh), & I trust you've been guided here for a reason.

I navigated relationships for years with patterns that I had no idea were unhealthy & dysfunctional. I confused anxiety with intimacy, thought sacrifice was love, and became so small that I didn't recognize myself anymore.


When I started taking up space again, leaning into courage to express my feelings, and started holding myself accountable for my behaviour and actions..that's when I started cultivating the healthy relationships I had longed for. With others, but most importantly with myself.


Ready to release your fears & anxiety to become Confident in Love?

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